Mummy will sometimes mention to Daddy she has "phobia" giving birth again as she needs to inject insulin everyday for 9 months. She also never forget the pain she experienced when she made her first move out of bed after the operation ... OUCH!!! (she said the pain shot up right to her scalp - so Kua Zhang ... heh heh) Occasionally, I will overheard her telling people she spent a total of $20,000 to have me. Aiyaya...What? Only $20K? C'mon, look at me ... I am PRICELESS! PoOooOoo!
My Little Birth Story (well... this section should be included in my blog for memory sake...)
14 April 2009-Aidan Choo (aka Kang Kang)
Mummy was supposed to have a scheduled C-section on 15 April to deliver me. On13th April when she went KK for a final blood test, the nurse had her blood pressure measured and realised her pressure was very high, at 160++/100++. Immediately she sent Mum on a wheelchair to see Dr Tan Thiam Chye (mmm... the nurse must be real strong --> we weighed nearly 100kg!!). Mummy nearly fainted when Dr Tan wanted to have a emergency C-sec that night, she was scared to death!! She insisted she must eat her "last buffet" before her "big day". After haggling with the Dr, it was NO BUFFET for her and the operation must be done on 14 April early morning.
The operation went smoothly except that Mummy was making so much noise in the theatre room that Dr Tan had to put her to sleep. When the Dr pulled me out from her stomach, they tapped and woke mummy up. Mummy, with her half-opened eyes, was unable to see me properly and I heard her mumbling "Got .. hands... and... legs anot?" Can you believe that? Haha! She was very worried about me throughout her pregnancy as she's a diabetic and very overweight. These factors increased my risk of developing serious complications.
I was sent to ICU for a day to monitor my blood sugar level as I may be born a diabetic as well. The nurses poked my little feet for blood sample every 2 / 3 hours! Luckily everything’s fine and I was back to the same floor as Mummy the next day. She cried when she first laid her eyes on me! (erm.. but she cried even more when she made her first attempt out of bed, the incision site at her belly hurt like hell!)
Daddy was the first person to see me when I was out because mummy had to be in Observation Room for the entire day (she was feeling so groggy). Daddy never forget the moment he first saw me. He told mummy I'm a beautiful baby with lots of hair (no more hair now, all thanks to the horrible craddle cap which still refuse to go away up till now). Here, take a look at my first few pictures ...
Somebody clean me up please!!
Still sleepy...
Am I handsome?
17th April 2009 (Fri) – Discharged from Hospital ... Home Sweet Home...Yeah!
18th April 2009 (Sat) – Jaundice checked
My jaundice level was so high that I had to go to KK A&E straight away. I was also not feeding well and was looking very lethargic the entire day. However, I was being sent home for further monitoring.

At midnight, I was turning very yellowish (including my eye white). Mummy & Daddy were so worried that they drove me to A&E without further hesitation. This time I have to be admitted for observation. Mummy was quite pathetic as she was in pain because of her C section but insisted on accompanying me throughout the night without rest. Fortunately over the next 48 hours, things got better for me and I was out on 20th April (Mon).
To be continue...