Mummy may have found the cause for my ezceme. Good news is, it may not be due to food allergy. I have been eating fish these few days but there is no further outbreak.
So...the culprit?
It could be because of my maid Nu ... Mummy has warned Nu not to wash ah ma house toilet again. The bleaches left on her bermudas might have caused the irritation on me. She never bath or change after washing the toilet each time!! She developed ezceme on her both hands too, so it is highly possible my outbreak comes from her (she's my main caregiver, carrying me around most if the time). Mummy is very angry of cos, cos the fact is, Ah Mama never ask her to wash! But she always go and do it whenever I'm taking my short afternoon nap.
Mummy is considering a new maid replacement, cos Ah Mama simply cannot get along with Nu. She complains about her to Mummy nearly everyday. Mummy feels so stressed and irritated, she feels both parties were at fault in most of the situations. Hai ...~ WOMEN ~... Mmm... I wonder will things improve with a new helper? Maybe Mummy should brave herself up and take on this challenge - BE A FULL TIME HOUSEWIFE CUM HUANG NIANG PO! Haha! Mummy dare not think!