Oct 29, 2009
28 Oct 08 - I love Potato, carrot and egg yolk...
Not too sure if I really like them, but I finish the entire bowl during lunch...
28 Oct 08 - I can sit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mummy was so excited today cos I can finally sit unsupported (for at least 20 minutes!). It just happens overnight. Mummy cried and said the happiness she felt was so much greater than having a new handbag. She shouted non-stop "KangKang can sit!! NuNu! KangKang can sit!!" Nunu joked that in a few months time when we are out shopping, mummy will be shouting "Kangkang?!! Where is my KangKang?!!" cos by then I may be running around! Mummy says finally she can bring me out for dinner and I can sit on the highchair (but for now I'm still limited to eating cereal & mashy stuff, hai... B~O~R~ING....)
Oct 26, 2009
24-25 Oct 09 - A wonderful weekend :)
24 oct 09 (Sat) - Today we celebrate Uncle Andrew 37th Birthday. Just a simple dinner at Aston Suntec (cheap and good... Uncle An said eating at Aston helped him saved a tonne, since he's the one who picked up the tab). Mummy gave him a watch which he really like. After dinner, we went shopping. Mummy felt bad cos she did not prepare any solid food to feed me. Aiya Mummy, its okay, I am growing well and merely 6 months++, I can live on milk alone for now.

Do I really look like King Kong?

25 Oct 09 (Sun) - We went to Causeway Point Kiddy Palace to get a walker (for me of cos) then to Marsiling to visit Auntie Daifern. Aunt D is currently 6-7 mths pregnant (2nd baby, a boy!!), she will have a C-section in mid January. Baby Hannah (Aunt D's first baby) was at her ah Ma house, she's still having slight flu. Heard she was having pretty bad fever that week, Aunt D was so so worried. I pray Hannah gets
well soon, I really wanted to see her on my next visit! Who knows she might become my girl friend when we grow older, wahahahahahah.. Aiyaya joking lah! Do I look desperate already? Krkrkr...
Aunt D's Sis had a baby boy who was born last Nov. He weighs about 9.5kg. He looks cute and obedient. I felt a little paiseh cos I'm already 9.4kg at 6 months. When you compare us, I look BIGGER hor? They said I am a Giant Baby (and a very cute one too, heehee). Mummy can't figure out why I grow so well, since I don't like to drink milk. Its always a struggle to feed me since young. On average I drink only 600-650ml of milk a day, per feed never exceed 4 oz. But miracle does occur, look at me... :) Ah ma and Sze Min jiejie calls me KINGKONGKANG KINGKONGKANG all the time...
Do I really look like King Kong?

Oct 22, 2009
Oct 20, 2009
Teething time .. somebody help please!
I am currently going through a tough time. I am restless and frustrated and I bite on anything my little fingers can grab on. If there is none, I bite my fingers. I hate it... My gums hurt! Why am I suffering from all these? Excessive dribbling, low grade fever, swollen red inflamed gums, ear tugging, less sleep, awaking several times at night, refusing food... the list goes on. Some babies are fortunate and do not face any problems while teething. Mummy says she suffers too cos she wakes up several times a night to check on me. Hai... what to do?
Oct 19, 2009
Even a pack of tissue paper can amuse me!
Many people commented I look like Mummy. Well... I think quite true, and I even laugh like her!
Oct 16, 2009
My playmate - Yu xuan jiejie
16 Oct 09 - You complete my life...

This morning Mummy baobao me, kiss kiss me non-stop and said to me several times "You complete my life... You are my EVERYTHING"... Though at this age I don't really understand what she meant but it must be good, heee heee. I love you Mummy!!
Aiyaya, so malu, these sexy pose pics are private collections! Think many girls will come after me after they seen these, I'm just too hot!! Heh Heh Heh!
Oct 14, 2009
14 Oct 09 - I am 6 months old today! A BIG BIG Boy!!
Today mummy took leave to accompany me as it is my 6 month old "birthday". She had make plan for a buffet dinner long ago so that she has an excuse to EAT. Mummy admits there are two things in life she cannot leave without - One is shopping, the other is FOOD. But she said she duwan me to follow her "footstep" and become obese when I grow up. She said obesity is a major risk factor for serious health problems, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.
Mummy, so why don't you take some actions now and start losing some weight - FOR MY SAKE?? I can't live without you!! :)
Oct 12, 2009
9 to 11 Oct 09 - I can't sleep!! Help!!
These few nights I was having serious insomnia. Not sure if it was because of my teething ... My ears were so itchy too, I just can't resist scratching them (and I always scratched until they bleed!!). I hope my teeth will pop out soon... Since the age of 2.5 months, I have been licking and sucking my hands all day long.
On Saturday, I went to Ion Orchard in the afternoon and then to Great World City at night. Mum & Dad were just too afraid to see me so restless at home, they did everything to make me happy but to no avail. So they have to plan shopping sprees on weekends so that I can be occupied "visually". I love sleeping in my stroller when out shopping. Those are the times when I get to have some beauty sleep. When I got home around 10pm, I was still so full of energy. Mummy had no choice but to bring me out again at 12am midnight... can you believe that? They had wanted to bring me to Mustafa since it is open 24 hours. However, I fall asleep within 5 minutes of travelling in the car, so they brought me back home to sleep after driving round Katong area for 10 minutes. I was up at 6am in the morning. I don't know what is wrong with me. I can't sleep for long hours. Sunday morning and afternoon naps were short too, just 30 minutes each time. Mmmm... I thought babies at my age should be sleeping at least 12 hours a day. Mummy was very worried as she once read in an article that babies who don't sleep enough will develop various health problems later in life. Oh no... this kind of scares me too...
Since I couldn't sleep, they drove me out again at 11.30pm. The car ride is like a "sleeping pill", it works most of the time...
Oct 3, 2009
Shopping .. Shopping... and more shopping
This week Mummy bought me new toys (again) ... Daddy wasn't exactly happy. He said our house is not big, has no storage space for all these. Mummy simply loves to spend I guess...But I am happy, because these are all for me!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!
At Marina Square (3 Oct 09) - Taking pics with my favourite Barney
Mummy loves the "outdoors", as in out of our house door and into shopping malls doors. At my tender age, I've already been to most shopping destinations in Singapore. You name it, I've been there. From Ion Orchard, to Parkway Parade, to Tampines One and even Turf City Giant ... cos every Saturday & Sunday, its Mummy's excuse to "de-stress". Ah Ma gave Mummy a nickname - Huay Ka (fickle legs). I think I will grow up like Mummy - Pa Pa Zao.
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