These few nights I was having serious insomnia. Not sure if it was because of my teething ... My ears were so itchy too, I just can't resist scratching them (and I always scratched until they bleed!!). I hope my teeth will pop out soon... Since the age of 2.5 months, I have been licking and sucking my hands all day long.
On Saturday, I went to Ion Orchard in the afternoon and then to Great World City at night. Mum & Dad were just too afraid to see me so restless at home, they did everything to make me happy but to no avail. So they have to plan shopping sprees on weekends so that I can be occupied "visually". I love sleeping in my stroller when out shopping. Those are the times when I get to have some beauty sleep. When I got home around 10pm, I was still so full of energy. Mummy had no choice but to bring me out again at 12am midnight... can you believe that? They had wanted to bring me to Mustafa since it is open 24 hours. However, I fall asleep within 5 minutes of travelling in the car, so they brought me back home to sleep after driving round Katong area for 10 minutes. I was up at 6am in the morning. I don't know what is wrong with me. I can't sleep for long hours. Sunday morning and afternoon naps were short too, just 30 minutes each time. Mmmm... I thought babies at my age should be sleeping at least 12 hours a day. Mummy was very worried as she once read in an article that babies who don't sleep enough will develop various health problems later in life. Oh no... this kind of scares me too...
Since I couldn't sleep, they drove me out again at 11.30pm. The car ride is like a "sleeping pill", it works most of the time...
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