Daddy is a man of few words (unlike Mummy who can be really naggy at times... :P). He don't really bother about birthday celebrations. Mummy jokingly said his birthday present from her this year is "Aidan Choo"! Wow... "that" seems like the most expensive present Dad had ever gotten. Mum actually got him a pair of Clarks sandals that cost $128 and in return, asked for a Prada bag for Xmas this year. Of cos Daddy said NO. Maybe he will get her a PLATA bag instead. I don't understand whats with all these handbags which makes women go gaga about. Mummy always tell me to get her one every month when I start earning lots of money (even before I was born...). I hope she isn't serious. I think I should get her lots of health supplements.
Do I look lethargic on this pic? Yah yah, I was really super tired, didn't sleep well for past few days. My jie jies do everything to make me smile but I just ignore them, choosing to stare at the durian cake (that looks like poo poo, krkrkr). Immediately after the birthday song, I went straight to sleep. I am sorry my dearest Daddy. I promise I will clap and cheer on your next birthday! And I want you to know that I lurrrve you! Happy Birthday!
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