Hooked on Iphone, I can play and watch videos for hours, Mummy super regret giving me one!
By the way, wonder why I look so serious and strange? Cos I wana ng ng ... I stand up while ng ng one... horrible hor? And I cry if you force me to sit on potty!
Take books not to read but make a mess by throwing....
Looks like I got a scolding from Mama - haha, don't I look cute!
Had several meltdowns in October... is that the beginning of terrible twos?
I love Peekaboos at Kallang Leisure. Mummy feels my motor skills is still rather poor, so has been bringing me to play areas like this.
TWO... Me and Baby no.2
Mama's warning to me : "Naughty somemore I will throw you into "Cold Palace" very soon!!"
Me and buddy Ashton (who shares same birthday as me). By the way, this is actually not Ashton's Ah Gong but his great grand ah gong who is in his 80s!!!! Amazing right!! He is strong as a bull and definitely look younger and more energetic than my Ah gong who is only 61!! Ashton's Mummy is also expecting baby no. 2 due around the same time as Mama (a boy). Great, I'm gonna have lots of playmates in future!
I love to take Mummy's spectacles. Mummy has to wear this old broken specs at home because I love playing and bending it. If I break any of her 3 other specs, she will most probably break my bones... Haha no lah, Mama loves me so much!
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