Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Jun 22, 2010

Jiejies June holiday ending soon, let's take a pic for memory sake!

Mama loves children. She never fail to bring Szemin & Szeshian jiejie out during their school holidays. She hopes she will still be able to have ALL GIRLS outing with them during their next holiday in November/December...

Skinny boy - Aidan Choo (I have Dad's genes... luckily... phew!)

Jun 19, 2010

Down with fever - No appetite, losing weight again... (Mama is going crazy!)

Look at me when I was 6.5 months and now at 14 months. Wow man, I look like a Sumo back then. A meagre 1 kg difference between now and then, can you believe it? Yes, I had only put on a kilogram for the past 7-8 months! Look at me now, I am a size ZERO model, as described by Mama. She always sob whenever she chanced upon my "younger" pictures. She will mumble to herself "Oh, I miss my baby..... I miss my baby...... Hai.... you are still cute but you certainly look more adorable if you are chubbier... Oh I miss my little fat pig..." And her eyes will become watery again (all the time!).

With my recent HFMD ordeal and being currently down with fever, Mama expects me to slim down further. Mmmm ... maybe she should go dig out my old clothings, they probably fit me now. Papa jokingly says it is Mama who brings home those "viruses" as she goes out shopping too often... aiyo how can be... ahem...

Jun 13, 2010

First steps...

Happened a few days back... hopefully by 15 months can walk steadily.

Jun 10, 2010

I love walking...I can walk non-stop... day and night (someone must hold my hand cos I still dare not walk alone)

Mummy is so tired, she can't imagine the days to come.
These few days I also sleep less and lost a bit of appetite. Maybe I am too obsessed with walking? The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to point at my shoes, indicating I wana go walk walk...

Jun 8, 2010

Mama has been feeling unwell these 2 days...

Learning to make ah pek faces...

Overheard - "Oh no... can't be can't be... have to reconfirm again... no way..."

By the way, do I look like a mad boy digging nose? There were days when I really enjoy clearing those golden nuggets inside my nostrils. Once, I even handed a big piece of my treasure to my helper ... heh heh... YeeEEeeeeEee...

Jun 2, 2010

I love feeding Mama... and make her choke...

Mama says I am not ready for self feeding yet. I literally mess up everything and throw the whole bowl of food on the floor. She'll let me play with spoons only. I think mummy is just too lazy, she simply hates the cleaning part...